Friday, July 30, 2010
Toast of the Camp
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Card Shark

Last night Gameboy got to make a call home. And I missed it because I was at the Y with the siblings. Dad got to talk to him though, lucky him.
Gameboy is having the time of his life. His biggest problem is that there is too much to do; the merit badge midway, scuba, ect. Oh what a problem to have.
It's Show Time!
It was an early to rise day with everyone tired from yesterday. The boys were slow to get moving but were able to rest during their short stroll to the arena show, just about 1:45 minutes of walking, give or take an hour.

The arena show was typical speeches, occasional attempts at humor, some interactive games, and a few demonstrations and songs. In all a pretty neat hour long event stretched into 2 hours without commercial breaks. Miss America gave a motivational speech opening with how glad she was to be here with all us "girls". Oops, can you say canned speech.
What a great way to show off the flag.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Hello Mother, Hello Father

Nose bleed seats at the baseball game.
Monday, July 26, 2010
Pitching In

Today we got our first e-mail from Gameboy. Hooray for technology! Here's what he wrote:
Hi guys things here are great I got to help put the tents and cook dinner. Wait I should tell you about D.C. The build are amazing. I Got to see the the Library of Congress, The House of Congress, & best of all the Grave of the unknown soilder. that was my favorite . Camp great I tell more about camp in the next email.
Me (P.S. Yes mom I'm Home sick )
From Your crazy,Smart,Weird,Fast brother & Son
Very sweet huh?
We also got another update from his troop leaders:
Well its near bed time, cant ask for a better camp site. We didn't get hot at all during the day of setting up camp. This is because of the trees we have for the shade. As we drove in we saw so many camp sites out in the sun. Couldnt ask for any better location. Great way to spend the last national Jamboree at Ap Hill.... It's going to be a great week. I'll be uploading more pictures throughout the week, and will also be uploading tons of pictures from previous days at D.C when I get back in town next week. All the scouts are doing great, and I'm proud to be a part of such a great troop!
And a few pictures of them setting up. Can't find Gameboy in any of them, so I'm glad we got the e-mail to confirm he is alive.

Game Called on Account of Rain
Where's my scout? We finally decided he is behind the boy on the left who is standing up, mainly because his best buddy is sitting right there.
So what did they do for the rest of the day? Let's check with his Scout Masters.
"On Sunday we went to Arlington, took a wrong turn and toured Washington some more - then off to Baltimore for a Major League Ball game. Wow - who knew a hot dog and bottle of water could go for $18.99 (mustard extra)! The game ended in the 6th due to a powerful storm. We arrived back to the hotel which had no power. "
"5 am and all is well. the power came back on at 2:37 this morning"
Good thing that scouts are used to having to rough it. That might explain why we didn't get any pictures of the boys at the baseball game.
I really loved hearing this last comment from Gameboy's Scout Master.
"A few more comments before boarding the bus - our guys are GREAT! Best troop on this trip. They are on-time or ahead of time. They are courteous. They are calm. They do not get lost. Best Jambo troop I've ever been associated with - and this is my 10th or so. So we press on to the Hill! For the last time. 29 years ago this morning I made my first trip to A.P. Hill."
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Day at the Museum

And which part of the Smithsonian do you want to see the most? The Air and Space Museum.

"Beam me up Scotty"

"We traveled by the metro rail, a first for many of the scouts. This method was much preferred over another eventful bus ride. We let the boys break off into their patrols this morning to create their own tours of the Smithsonian institutes and museums.
Believe me when I say it is a testament to our troop when we consistently have everyone show up, on time, at the appointed location...we only wish all the other boys in the other troops were as punctual. After a delay waiting on a few lost souls we made our way out to Dulles airport to the Udvar Hazy center to view an impressive array of aviation and space flight equipment. The afternoon heat was quite bearable in the air conditioned hanger. Another bus ride into town and back with dinner at a mall food court wrapped up the day. Now if they will only go to bed."
Saturday, July 24, 2010
Having a Capital Time

Why it's the United States Capital.

"Now if you direct your attention to the ceiling"

Most of the other troops from Middle Tennessee went on a tour of the White House. There were not enough slots for all the boys though, so Troop 1834 decided to do something different rather than splitting up their troop.
Thursday, July 22, 2010
BSA National Jamboree

One Fish, Two Fish, Three Fish
For her birthday she had asked for pet fish. So Daddy and Mommy got her a fish tank and three goldfish. Everyone loved looking at the fish and watching them swim.
The other big hit was the bubble blowing machine her siblings gave Little Miss. Turns out that 10 year olds love bubbles. The twins have played with it more than Little Miss has.
We also caught fish with magnetic fish and fishing poles. It was a dollar store craft I made. Each child got to take their fish and poles home, fun!
Some how we missed getting a picture of the cake. It was a giant goldfish, just like a goldfish cracker. Very cute and yummy! Little Miss thought so.
Happy Birthday baby! I can't believe your such a big girl now.
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Putting Your Best Face First!
Little Miss loves jumping in the pool to Mommy and Daddy. "Again, again!" is her favorite phrase. The older kidlets like jumping in the pool almost as much as their little sister. Cowboy has finally gotten over his fear of jumping in the water, so he's joining in the fun too. So we were having lots of splashing and jumping.
Princess learned a very important lesson about jumping in the pool last night. Do not jump into the pool backwards, or this might happen.
Can't spot her injury? Well, I'm sure you can see it now. Ouch! The ER doctor put in 7 stiches.
She was a super trooper. She did better than some of her brothers when they had to get stiches. When I asked her how she keep from crying she said, "I just thought about my ballet recital." That's our girl!
Monday, June 14, 2010
Undercover Angel

Isn't this a cute carseat cover? I love the velcro straps to keep the cover in place. Grandma VO might recognize the fabric from her stash. At least I'm pretty sure that's where it came from.
I had a friend suggest that using a mesh knit fabric would make things more breathable for Summer time and warm climates.

Maple seams to approve! She and Mommy got to go shopping together today while brother and sister were at Vacation Bible School. Ahhhh, the joys of shopping with only one child again, eh, Little Red Hen? (Now we know why they call it "vacation" Bible school. Hee hee!)
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Little Miss Maple
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
God Willing and the Creek, Er Lake Don't Rise
This is the sewage pumping station near our home. It sits on one side of the road and Piercy Priest Lake is on the other side (or at least that is how it is suppose to be). I took these photos about a week after the flood. As you can see, the lake decided to come visit the sewage pumping plant. Luckily it didn't do this by coming up over the road...