I was tagged a while back by my sister to go to my pictures and post the fourth picture in my fourth folder. Here's what I found.

Last year the twins, Space Man and Cowboy, got a praying mantis egg case as a birthday present. It was really cool watching all those little buggies hatch out. It was amazing to see how tiny the are when they are just newly hatched. Here's a picture of them right after they had hatched. The brown blob in the bottom of the container is the egg case. One case can hold around 200 baby praying mantises.
We really didn't have anything to feed them, so after a day or so we let them loose in our backyard. And wondered if we would ever see any of them after they had grown up. (Space Man and Cowboy moonlight as
entomologists in their spare time.)
So my fourth/fourth is of one of those little itty-bitty mantises all grown up. NASA Guy found him/her crawling on the wall of our carport. Pretty cool huh? If you'd like to try hatching your own praying mantises check out our favorite bug place -
Insect Lore.